Hooda Math: App makes math fun!

By: DavidPage

Although you’ve tried multiplication tables and flashcards, you’re still not able to grasp the concepts in your math course. Hooda Math offers many fun and easy ways to learn the material. Hooda Math offers many creative ways for your child or you to master math from kindergarten through high school.

You will find a number of games at the top of the homepage. Below this list you’ll see “math games according to grade”. Click on the grade and you’ll be able to view a list of math games that are appropriate for your level of mathematics. You can search for games by subject, too. You can search the games by subject, including addition, subtraction and multiplication as well as division, fractions, integers, algebra, and division. There are logic and escape games available for anyone looking to get a thrill from math online. Many of these games align with Common Core standards so they will likely be compatible with your child’s math course, if they are in a public school.

After you have had a go at the games, you can put your skills to the ultimate test by taking multiple assessments. These include multiplication tables as well as timed tests that involve fractions and integers. This will let you see how far you’ve come from these mathematical games.

Featured Games

Balloon Hooda Math

This game is for elementary mathematicians. You have to throw darts at the correct sum balloon. If the screen top shows “3+9”, you will need to aim your dart at “12”. You don’t want the wrong balloon to pop!

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Mini Putt

Mini Putt is a great tool for those interested in geometry. It will help you learn your angles. To aim Mini Putt’s ball in the desired direction, you will need to pull it back using your mouse. The ball’s trajectory will be indicated by a yellow line. Your shot will be more powerful if the line is longer. To release the shot, click on the left button of the mouse after you have aligned your target.

Hooda Math is about helping kids love math and not forcing them to do so. Many sites are expensive and not dynamic. So Michael Edlavitch, founder and CEO of Hooda Math, and his wife created an online educational video game service that would revolutionize the market.

Michael Edlavitch, founder and CEO of the company, said that he was a former middle-school math teacher who knows how difficult it can be for kids to learn math. Skater Math is a smart, accessible way for kids to learn math and to enjoy mathematical thinking. My goal is to continue to provide educational video games for kids that help teachers assess the mathematical thinking of their students.

Hooda Math is a math game that focuses on three main categories of games for students aged 8-16. Each category has increasing difficulty to suit all learning levels. Hood Math’s core math categories include:

Geometry Games are used to test and make conjectures regarding geometric properties and relationships. They also help to understand the relationships between angles, sides, perimeters and areas of two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects.

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Arithmetic Games are a way to learn about numbers and operations, including addition, subtraction and multiplication, division and fractions, decimals and percents. You can also use that knowledge in simulated real-world situations.

Logic Games are designed to increase problem solving, inductive, deductive reasoning and foundations of algebraic thought skills.

Hooda Math games are less traditional than other games and are more constructivist. They can be used in mixed ability classes with students with different math skills. HoodaMath.com offers free printable worksheets to go with many of its free online math games. This allows teachers to assess student work in the computer laboratory.

Hooda Math

Hooda Math is managed by a math teacher who formerly taught middle school mathematics within an urban school district. Michael Edlavitch, a former teacher, saw a gap in the market for creating a strong, positive relationship with math among children aged 8-16. Hooda Math, a top online math games website, encourages students to look at math in a new way. HoodaMath.com is a site that helps students with special needs and those who have previously failed in math to feel confident and can show their teachers that they do have mathematical skills. Our math games are more than just symbolic. Hooda Math has more information. HoodaMath.1 provides additional information. Fun Brain

FunBrain offers a variety of math games that can be sorted by topic or grade. This math site is for children. Students can play a variety games that reinforce key mathematical concepts. Many of these games have a fun theme such as animals, sports, or unique landscapes. There are educational videos and a special “Playground”, which includes games that are suitable for pre-K and kindergarten students.

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Hooda Math Blaster

Math Blaster’s goal is simple: “Your success will depend on your brain and logic skills.” Math Blaster features an exciting theme that includes aliens and outer space. It allows your students to become intergalactic heroes by focusing on their math operations and critical thinking skills. The game is available for free, although registration is required. To find Math Blaster for the Classroom, be sure to visit the Teacher Section.


This math site for children offers a variety of math games, including the Multiplication Grand Prix and the Knight and the Princess. Students can use this site to practice basic math skills in an engaging and fun way. Parents and teachers can find additional resources on this website to reinforce and teach skills. For some off-line entertainment, check out the Classroom Games section.

Learn Zillion

Learn lessons that compliment what you’re studying in class based on the Common Core Standards grades 3 through 9. Although it is not a website that offers a game of math, Learn Zillion offers a comprehensive and solid approach to online mathematics education. Explore the resources that are available for teachers and parents.